
The sandhill crane migration is mostly over, but some cranes may still remain. Please report sandhill crane sightings to Kachemak Crane Watch at 235-6262 or Include date, time, location and number of birds. If able to identify as colts, please note that number, too.
Robin Schmidt from the Social Security Administration’s office in Anchorage visits Homer today at City Hall in the Cowles Council Chambers. From noon to 1:30 p.m. there will be a presentation, “Understanding Social Security,” and from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. will be the “mySocialSecurity” presentation and registration opportunity. Social Security wants people to understand the basics of Social Security retirement, disability, Medicare, survivors’ benefits and more. Schmidt also will be available to help establish personal mySocialSecurity account (statements are no longer mailed) and find out what else can be accessed through an online account. For more information, please call Patti Boily at the Independent Living Center at 235-7911 or Robin Schmidt at SSA Anchorage 1-855-602-5001, ext. 30706.
Cook Inletkeeper, together with the Susitna River Coalition, is bringing Stoecker Ecological and Felt Soul Media’s award-winning documentary, DamNation, at 7 p.m. today to the Homer Theatre and at 7 p.m. Saturday to the Kenai River Center. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. at both locations. Presented by Patagonia, DamNation tells the story of the 20th century dam building boom in the Lower 48 and explores the growing effort to remove dams that have negative impacts on fish, and the growing awareness that America’s future is bound to the life and health of free-flowing rivers.
A Taste of Homer is at 8 p.m. Saturday at Wasabi’s. A vendors auction benefits the Homer Farmers Market. For more information, see the story on Page 3 of this week’s Real Estate & Business section.
The Prince William Sound Regional Citizens’ Advisory Council will hold its regular fall board meeting in Homer this year. The council will meet at the Islands and Ocean Visitor Center from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sept. 25 and 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Sept. 26. The public is invited to attend. For more information, including requesting a draft board meeting agenda, contact Outreach Coordinator Lisa Matlock at or 907-273-6235.
SPARC, the South Peninsula Amateur Radio Club, holds Amateur Radio Training Classes from 5-6:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of the month, Oct. 7, Nov. 4 and Dec. 2, at the Homer Public Library. It also holds classes from noon-2 p.m. the second Saturday of the month, Oct. 11, Nov. 8 and Dec. 13. A testing session is noon-2 p.m. Dec. 13. Classes and testing are free, with a book purchase for $20. Learn about  amateur radio and obtaining a “Ham Ticket” License or upgrading current licenses. Current ham operators also are invited, so come and share knowledge and experiences. SPARC holds its monthly meetings after Tuesday evening classes from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. For more information, contact Patrick Brown, KL3DB, Shanley Kerls, KL5AJK, or phone 907-775-4638.
The Friends of the Homer Public Library seeks donations of used books and plants for its Book and Plant Sale. Book donations can be dropped off at the library until Oct. 2 and plants all day Oct. 3. The Friends of the Homer Public Library members-only Book and Plant Sale is 6-8 p.m. Oct. 3. Memberships are available at the door. The regular Book and Plant Sale is 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Oct. 4. All proceeds benefit the Friends of the Homer Public Library which supports the programming of the library.
From September through November, the Friends of the Homer Public Library will be sponsoring events to foster entrepreneurs, including presentations on developing entrepreneurial ideas, raising capital for entrepreneurial ventures, resources available in town and on the Internet for entrepreneurs, and a chance for entrepreneurs and business people to talk about what the community could do better to support them. These events will coincide with the BIZ-Idea Contest and a new opportunity to highlight entrepreneurs, the Entrepreneur of the Year Award. The BIZ-Idea Contest awards cash prizes for entrepreneurial ideas. Information and entry forms are available at the circulation desk of the Homer Public Library or the website at Entries will be judged by three local business people on their innovation, sustainability and ability to create jobs. The deadline to enter is 5 p.m. Oct. 31.
McNeil Canyon Elementary holds a garage sale from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Oct. 4. Lunchroom size tables are available to rent for $20 and half a table is $10. Call Laura at McNeil Canyon, 235-8181, for more information or to reserve a table.
Homer Volunteer Fire Department and the Consumer Product Safety Commission have announced a Kidde smoke alarm recall and safety notice. Items affected are models i12010S, i12010CO and KN-COSM-IBA. The smoke alarms could go into a “latched” mode if doing a sensor check while a power outage occurs, causing it not to alert for smoke. Once power is restored, a latched unit will sound an alert even if smoke or fire is not present. For support, call Kidde at 1-844-553-9011 between 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday EST or visit
Friendship Center
Friendship Center Adult Day Services is open 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday-Friday with extended hours for special situations. Special programs are offered daily, including story time, crafts and musical performances. For more information, call 235-4556.
Homer Senior Citizens
Homer Senior Citizens lunch is open to seniors and guests and is served 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Monday-Friday. The lunch menu for this week is: today, pork roast; Friday, rockfish Olympia; Monday, chicken cordon bleu; Tuesday, barbecue beef brisket; Wednesday, chicken parmesan.
Strong Women classes are 1-2 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the Homer Senior Center. The cost is $3 for members and $6 for nonmembers per class.
Zumba Gold classes with Maria are 11 a.m.-noon Tuesdays and 1:30-2:30 p.m. Thursdays at the Homer Senior Center. The cost per class is $4 members, $6 nonmembers.
Tai Chi classes are Thursday at 3 p.m. The cost per class is $3 for members and $6 for nonmembers. Call Daniel Weisser at 235-7655.
Caregiver Support Group meets 2-3:30 p.m. the second and fourth Thursday in the senior center dining room. Call Pam Hooker at 299-7198 or Kathy Hedges at 235-4556.
Hospice of Homer
Hospice of Homer will hold a community-wide open house from 5-7 p.m. Oct. 15 at its new offices at 265 Pioneer Ave., Suite 3. The hospice office is now located in the lower level of the building with the entrance to the office in the back of the building where there is parking.
The open house is an opportunity for Hospice of Homer supporters and community members as well as hospice clients, board, staff and volunteers to come together and  celebrate its new office. The space is providing opportunities for hospice to hone the services it has provided since 1985. Hospice is now able to house the equipment for its loan closet in its new space rather than have it located in a number of storage units around town.
Beginning Oct. 5, hospice will hold its annual volunteer training. The 32-hour training will be held during October in the hospice office. Volunteers will be trained to participate in the Hospice End of Life and Volunteer Visitor/Phone Friends Programs. They will learn about hospice philosophy, end of life care, friendly visiting, Alzheimer’s Disease, pain management, ethics, body mechanics, and more.
For more information, call Hospice of Homer at 235-6899.
Kachemak Bay Campus
Registration is being held for these upcoming classes: Introduction to the Personal Essay with Rich Chiappone, Hatha Yoga, Poetry in Our Lives and Digital Camera. For a schedule, visit Call 235-7743 for information.
To earn a GED or improve basic reading, writing and math skills, call 235-1602. Computer classes in MS Excel and QuickBooks classes begin Saturday and run five weeks. Hatha Yoga class with Alayne Tetor starts at 6 p.m. Sept. 27.
Pratt Museum
The museum galleries are open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily through Sunday. Starting Monday, winter hours change, with the museum closed on Mondays and open noon-5 p.m. Tuesday-Sunday. Business offices are open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Homer artist Jo Going presents “Reliquary,” a solo exhibit that is a mixed media installation featuring found animal bones collected by the artist from the Arctic tundra over 29 years. The show ends Sunday.
South Peninsula Hospital
Exhibitors are invited to participate in the annual Rotary Health Fair, set for 7:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Nov. 1 at Homer High School. The fair is sponsored by Homer Kachemak Bay Rotary Club in partnership with South Peninsula Hospital. The purpose of the fair is to promote individual wellness and provide free and inexpensive information and screenings related to health. The theme is “It’s Your Life … Take a Day to Be Well.” Exhibitors are invited to provide learning centers, screenings, information, demonstrations or interactive activities to promote their message or service related to health. No sales are permitted at the fair. Booth space is free, and the deadline to reserve a space is Sept. 17. Visit for application and additional information, or call 235-0397.
SVT Health & Wellness
SVT Health & Wellness offers a series of classes covering all aspects of wellness every Thursday at 6 p.m. Today’s class is “Introvert or Extrovert?” by Michelle Waclawski. Explore yourself as an introvert or extrovert and how you relate to the world. For more information, call 226-2228 ext. 660.