The Betster wishes to provides a public service announcement to remind you that while Halloween is over, Thanksgiving is still between us and Christmas so put away that holiday music.
Yes, the Betster means you over there with the Burl Ives and Mannheim Steamroller albums inching closer to the stereo — put those back on the shelf for another 22 days.
Feel free to plan pumpkin and pecan pies, diagram how best to deep fry your turkey without burning the house down and decide who gets the honor of hosting Thanksgiving dinner — and therefore washing all those dishes after guests are in a turkey coma — but deck one hall and you’ll be hearing from an irritable Betster.
If you’re itching to do something between now and the start of the winter holiday season, take a look at this week’s best bets. There’s bound to be something that will stave off your Christmas spirit for a few more weeks.
BEST FLYING PUMPKINS BET: Halloween’s end isn’t marked by when the kids are passed out in a sugar coma after a long night of trick-or-treating, but rather by airborne gourds a few days later at West Homer Elementary School’s Punkin’ Chuckin.’ Head over to the field behind the school on Friday, Nov. 3 from 3:45-5:45 p.m. to join in the merriment of sending pumpkins into the air and watching them explode like slimy, orange fireworks as they hit the ground. All are welcome to bring their pumpkins and small gourds to toss on the 10 foot catapult or one of the three small catapults — perfect for kids of all ages to use — for $1 or $5, depending on the size of the pumpkin. If you work up an appetite throwing pumpkins, inexpensive food will be for sale. Don’t forget to enter the 50/50 raffle and see if the golden pumpkin lands you a prize!
BEST PRIZES AND NEEDLES BET: Since most kids in Homer have managed to collect more candy than they know what to do with, or at least more than one pint-sized person should consume, Homer Medical Clinic with South Peninsula Hospital is offering the chance to exchange sweets for prizes and protect your family against the flu. Come into the 4136 Bartlett Street location on Friday, Nov. 3 from 4-7 p.m. to trade Halloween loot for prizes, based on weight. The candy exchange is open to children ages 10 and under and the candy will be sent to overseas U.S. Troops in holiday care packages. While they’re in the building, children under 18 years can also get a flu shot — because the perfect time to get a shot is when they are distracted by candy and prizes.
BEST BATTLING BET: Get a history lesson in film form at Alaska Islands &Oceans Vistor Center’s viewing of “Report from the Aleutians” on Saturday, Nov. 4 at 1:30 p.m. The movie is part of a free-to-the-public fall film series commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Attu with moview set in World War II in the Aleutians. The festival will show two more movies in November on the 11 and 18.
BEST DRINKS AND DANCE BET: There are two chances this weekend to be a part of the start of a unique experience — an evening that flows between a cocktail party and intimate dance performances — put on by Homer Council on the Arts. Salon Series: Tiny Dances in an Intimate Setting takes place on Nov. 3 and 4 at 8 p.m. at the HCOA Gallery for just $25 general admission, or $20 for HCOA members.