Who could have imagined it, Betsteroids? For the first time since women got the vote, something extraordinary could happen. That’s right: the Chicago Cubs could win the World Series. If you like underdogs, the Cubs vs. Cleveland Indians contest is a win-win. The last time the Cubs were at the World Series, Rosie the Riveter welcomed GI Joe back from the war. Cleveland hasn’t won a championship since 1948, and the Cubs haven’t won a series since 1908.
No wonder on Tuesday night the Betster drove down Pioneer Avenue and every bar parking lot was full. Like the rest of America, Homer has baseball fever. Just as the Betster has taken a vow of neutrality in the presidential election, so Yours Truly will remain noncommittal in the World Series. This has nothing to do with the fact that a Cleveland fan the Betster knows runs a snow plow. We strive to be fair and balanced, that’s all.
The Betster reserves enthusiasm for things that matter, like those amazing displays of northern lights we’ve been having this week. Raise your hand if you went into work a bit groggy on Tuesday morning because of that horizon-to-horizon display earlier. Yeah, we too. How can we be so blessed to experience such ecstatic wonder?
Well, that’s just part of the glory of living in Alaska. Whether you were lucky enough to be born here or smart enough to move here, here we are, a quirky little burg at the end of a road surrounded by beauty.
Yup, wonders will surprise us in these days to come, but expect the usual cool stuff, like these Best Bets:
BEST BE AFRAID BET: Well, maybe a little afraid … That’s right, it’s the annual Haunted Hickory tody, a Homer tradition when goblins, ghouls and monsters take over the big Coast Guard buoy tender at the Pioneer Dock. If you’re on the young side or easily scared, visit 3:30-4:30 p.m. The slightly scarier tour for ages 13 and older is 6-9 p.m. Admission is free, but the Haunted Hickory is a fundraiser for the Homer Food Pantry and a donation of two nonperishable food items per person is requested. See more details on page 2.
BEST HALLOWEEN ’VIEWS BET: The hot Halloween action in Homer is in the neighborhood we call “The ’Views” — Mountainview, Bayview, Fairview and Danview Avenues in downtown Homer. Once again, Mountainview and Bayview Avenue become one-way streets from 5-8 p.m. to make trick-or-treating safe for kids. For more Halloween fun like the McNeil Canyon Elementary School Fall Carnival and other events, see page 2.
BEST ROLL ’EM BET: The Betster took a run on the Rollin’ Coal Trail at the Diamond Creek State Recreation Area last weekend, and dang is that a fun ride. The Homer Cycling Club has been working hard over the past few years to make a good biking and walking trail that goes between the old subdivision road and Diamond Creek. They even added a new outhouse. From 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday is the (F)all Out Fund Ride (and Run) on the trail. Costumes are encouraged.
BEST WRITE ’EM BET: Do you have a novel burning inside you just waiting to be told? With National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) starting Nov. 1, now’s the time to buckle down and write your book. For a short, 60,000-word novel, that’s only 2,000 words a day. Easy peasy. Join other writers in the challenge with the Friends of the Homer Public Library’s NaNoWiMo kick-off from 6-8 p.m. Nov. 1 at the library. Get some pointers, enter a drawing and meet other novelists.