Years Ago

Homer happenings from years past

20 years ago

A proposal to create a management area for sea ducks that would prohibit hunting them failed at the Alaska Board of Game’s meeting in Anchorage. Biologist Gino DelFrate said the board left open the possibility of creating an area in the future.

“We’re going to get together to discuss Kachemak Bay sea duck management,” he said. “We’ll return to the board in two years then with recommendations regarding the concerns surrounding sea duck management.”

Proposals to close hunting and trapping in the Overland Park area and to close goat hunting around Sadie Cove also failed.

— From the issue of March 22, 2001

30 years ago

A proposed ordinance would have raised household water and sewer rates in the city 41%. That’s less than an 81% increase recommended by Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler, a consulting firm that examined rates. The consultants recommended a 5,000-gallon monthly minimum water purchase, but the city’s proposal proposed households pay only for the water they used plus a monthly service charge. Both proposals included a fee for a capital replacement reserve — a charge to cover the costs of replacing the water system as it wears out.

The proposed ordinance also eliminated “averaging” for summer sewer bills. The water and sewer rate schedule was based on the amount of water used, on the theory that all water eventually went down the drain and into the sewer line. Some customers argued that in the summer water gets used for gardens and lawns and thus doesn’t go into the sewer system. Averaging over the summer months addressed that complaint. Public Works Director Hugh Bevan said a sharp increase in summer water use had more to do with Homer’s seasonal population boom than with lawn and garden watering.

— From the issue of March 21, 1991

50 years ago

The issue of March 18, 1971, is missing from the Homer News archives.