20 years ago in the Homer News
An incumbent legislator beat back a challenger and won the Republican Party nomination for the lower Kenai Peninsula state house seat. Rep. Gail Phillips, R-Homer, easily defeated Dale Wunderlich of Anchor Point. She faces Democratic Party nominee Joni Whitmore in the November election. Phillips credited her victory to the moderate politics of Republicans on the lower peninsula, saying Wunderlich appealed to “very major conservatives.”
— From the issue of Aug. 27, 1998
30 years ago in the Homer News
Divers hired to examine the floor of the Homer Harbor found mounds of rotting fish carcasses 16-feet deep below cleaning stations on the docks. That’s far worse than the city thought. To address the problem, the city aimed to install a grinder to chew up carcasses and flush them through the sewage system into the back bay. The Port and Harbor Commission put a $70,000 grinder at the top of its capital improvement list. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation officials had warned the city about the problem, warning the fish waste could turn the harbor “into a virtual septic tank.”
— From the issue of Aug. 25, 1988
50 years ago in the Homer News
The Aug. 29, 1968, Homer News is missing from the Homer News archives.