Anchor Point King Salmon Tournament kicks off this weekend

The 28th annual Anchor Point King Salmon Calcutta and Tournament will be held this Friday and Saturday.

The Calcutta Auction will be held on Friday at 6:30 p.m. at the Virl “Pa” Haga VFW Memorial Post 10221, preceded by a dinner and silent auction from 5-6:30 p.m. The King Salmon Tournament will take place on Saturday. All registered anglers must have a current valid fishing license and a valid King Salmon Stamp. Lines go in no earlier than 6 a.m. and must be out by 4 p.m. All fish must be weighed in by 6 p.m. on tournament day.

This year’s tournament, sponsored by the Anchor Point Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center, will be launched from the Anchor Point Tractor Launch in the Anchor River State Recreation Area at 74272 Anchor Point Road. The boat launch will open at 5 a.m. on tournament day.

Cash payouts will be awarded to the first, second and third top anglers. In addition to the main tournament prizes, registered boats will have the opportunity to place side bets. A youth angler category prize is also available. Winners will be announced at 7 p.m. on tournament day at the Anchor Point VFW. Winnings will be distributed by the Anchor Point Chamber of Commerce within one week after the tournament’s end.

In the event of inclement weather on Saturday, the tournament will be postponed until Sunday, May 7, according to the chamber website. If bad weather conditions continue, the tournament will be postponed until Saturday, May 13 or Sunday, May 14.

To register, visit For more information, contact the Anchor Point Chamber of Commerce at 907-235-2600 or visit their Facebook page at