Coast Guard seeks comments on CIRCAC recertification

The U.S. Coast Guard seeks comments on recertification of the Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council. CIRCAC has applied for recertification in accordance with a provision of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90) which requires an annual review to ensure the citizens’ representative is successfully fulfilling its OPA 90 mandates.

As part of its triennial review process, the Coast Guard will accept public comments through July 31, 2017. Comments can be submitted through the Notice in the Federal Register online by clicking on the link below, or by mail to:

Rear Admiral Michael F. McAllister, Commander

United States Coast Guard District 17

709 West 9th Street, Juneau, AK 99801

Attention: Lt Jonathon Dale

Reference Docket Number – USCG-2017-0289

A copy of CIRCAC’s application for recertification is available at the corporate office at 8195 Kenai Spur Highway, Kenai, Alaska, or online at CIRCAC is a federally mandated nonprofit organization formed under OPA90 to provide an avenue for citizen participation in ensuring the safe transport and production of oil.

“Its mission is to represent citizens in promoting environmentally safe marine transportation and oil facility operations in Cook Inlet. In pursuing this mandate, the Council strives to help protect Cook Inlet’s environment,fisheries, economic vitality, cultural resources and recreational interests,” CIRCAC said in a press release.

For more information, call 907-283-7222, or visit
