At a drama, debate and forensics meet at Service High School in Anchorage Jan. 31-Feb. 1, Homer High’s DDF team received the following awards: Audrey Russell: second place, solo acting; Hailey Nelsen: third place, solo acting; Jonas Noomah: fourth place, expository speaking; Jonas Noomah and Shenandoah Lush: second place, pantomime; Shaefer Nielson and Evan Boyer: second place, pantomime; Audrey Russell, Shenandoah Lush and Nolan Bunting: fourth place, readers’ theatre; Robert Hockema: second place, domestic extemporaneous speaking; Patrick Latimer: third place, domestic extemporaneous speaking; Jonas Noomah and Evan Boyer: third place, duo interpretation; Shaefer Nielson: second place, humorous interpretation; Lindsey Schneider: second place, humorous interpretation; Hailey Nelsen and Lindsey Schneider: second place, duet acting; Zane Boyer and Evan Boyer: third place, duet acting.