Homer High School
Friday — Volleyball team competing in West SpikeFest in Anchorage. Swimmers competing at SoHi Pentathlon in Soldotna.
Saturday — Cross country borough championships at Tsalteshi Trails in Soldotna. Football game against Seward High School at 2 p.m. in Seward.
Monday, Sept. 23 — Grade check
Homer Flex School
Friday, Oct. 4 — End of first rotation
Wednesday, Oct. 16 — Early release
Friday, Oct. 18 — Inservice day
Homer Middle School
Cross-country running and soccer began Aug. 21.
Friday — Cross-country running Nikiski Invitational at 3 p.m. Soccer game against Skyview at 3 p.m. in Soldotna
Saturday — Soccer vs Seward at noon in Seward
Tuesday, Sept. 24 — First round of borough tournament TBA
Thursday, Sept 26 — 8th grade salmon project class visit. Pep rally from 12:45-1 p.m.
Fireweed Academy
Both schools
Oct. 16 — Early release at 1:50 p.m. for Little Fireweed and at 2:15 p.m. for Big Fireweed.
Oct. 18 — In-Service, no school. End of first quarter.
Little Fireweed
Today — Little Fireweed Open House
West Homer Elementary
Today — Soccer from 2:55-3:55 p.m.
Friday — School Picture Day
Paul Banks Elementary
PTA after school programs will continue thru Oct. 17:
Monday and Wednesday: Outdoor Explorers (Coastal Studies)
Monday and Wednesday: Preludes Violin for second graders
Tuesday and Thursday: Brandi’s Sport Hour
Wednesday: Zumba
Thursday: Chess
Today — Fall pictures – open to siblings and others from the community from 11:00-12:00
Tuesday, Sept. 24 — Wild Shores School Assembly
McNeil Canyon Elementary
Today — Talk and Look Like a Pirate Day
Thursday, Sept. 26 — Annual Beach Coast Walk Clean-Up
Friday, Sept. 27 — Family game night from 7-8:30 p.m. Bring snacks and board games to share.
Saturday, Oct. 5 — Garage Sale at the school. Contact the school to reserve a table. $15 for half table and $25 for full table