Homer sets youths up for success

Homer has always been a community that prides itself in investing in its children. Its citizens and local businesses provide  numerous opportunities to set young people up for success. 

One of the ways Homer works collectively to do this is by investing in education. Every year, several businesses and organizations provide dozens of scholarship opportunities for graduating seniors in Homer. This allows them to attend universities, trade schools and programs, and continue working toward their goals.

Luckily, I was one of the fortunate students selected by several scholarship funds this year. However, I’d like to express my gratitude toward two funds in particular: the Tin Roof Fund and the Drew Scalzi Memorial Maritime Scholarship. The Tin Roof Fund recognized my interest in politically themed writing; the Drew Scalzi Scholarship recognized my family’s connection to the maritime industry, awarded in memory of Drew Scalzi himself. Both funds were generous in both their time and awards.

Thanks to these funds, as well as those from the Drama, Debate and Forensics program and the American Legion to name a few, I will easily be able to begin my education at the University of Anchorage Alaska in the fall. For now, my studies will focus on music education and, in some form or another, politics.

I am deeply appreciative of efforts by these funds and foundations to aid students like me in continue pursing our passions. It’s opportunities like these that make Homer a town that truly invests in its own community and people.
