Paul Banks students reflect on 7.9 magnitude quake

When Paul Banks Elementary preschool teacher Emily Priest got her class together after Tuesday morning’s earthquake and two-hour delay for schools, she decided to have her students reflect on the experience.

Below are some preschool accounts of the 7.9 magnitude tremblor that shook the Kenai Peninsula early Tuesday morning and triggered a tsunami warning in Homer and much of coastal Alaska.

“I’m asleep when the earthquake happened. I feel it shaking and I want to go under the blankies. Then I thought the earthquake stopped happening—I thought it was done but it wasn’t. The door was shaking. I figured it was a bear on our porch, but it wasn’t. Good thing it wasn’t! It was just the earthquake on my porch.” — Avalee Hansen, 5.

“Me and mom and dad were running down the stairs. We go under the big strong desk—if something falls on it, it will never break. I was really scared — I thought the earthquake was coming back. Then my family heard that the big wave was going to come. We were thinking if we could stay home or go camp in my daddy’s Suburban. We stayed home and go back to bed.” — Zoe Martin, 4.

“My parents woke me up — I was still sleeping. My dad grabbed me, wrapped me up in the blankets, put me in the car. We had to go up the hill (a different hill), (so) a huge wave can’t get us. We saw 1,000 cars. It was an emergency. A new-nami.” — Ally Nelson, 4.

“My bed was shaking. My mom woke me up. Me and mom and dad all ran out of the door. My room door. It was dark when we ran out the door — the bathroom light was on. We stand by the fire and when the earthquake was over, we all went back to bed.” — Mason Brooks, 4.

“I hear the earthquake. That’s my bed. It was wiggling. My mom just woke me up and brung me to grandma, grandpa’s house. She brung me back home. She said it was a adventure. I was scared a hew-mani was going to come but it wasn’t going to! So mom and me went back to sleep.” — Christian Yenney, 4.

“That’s the green high school and the police. I was at the high school. There was a earthquake. The police were coming round to make sure the earthquake was done. The workers come — they were making sure the road doesn’t fall or get a crack. We’re all going home!” — Ethan Murphy, 5.