By Megan Pacer

Firefighters from multiple agencies prepare to enter a structure with a fire burning inside it as part of a live fire exercise Saturday, Feb. 23, 2019 at the Homer Volunteer Fire Department’s fire training facility on Freight Dock Road in Homer, Alaska. Student volunteers rom Anchor Point Emergency Services, Homer Volunteer Fire Department, Ninilchik Emergency Services, and Central Emergency Services attended the drill as part of a joint Firefighter I class they are attending hosted by Anchor Point Fire and HVFD. (Photo by Megan Pacer/Homer News)
Firefighters from multiple agencies enter a structure with a fire burning inside it as part of a live fire exercise Saturday, Feb. 23, 2019 at the Homer Volunteer Fire Department’s fire training facility on Freight Dock Road in Homer, Alaska. Student volunteers rom Anchor Point Emergency Services, Homer Volunteer Fire Department, Ninilchik Emergency Services, and Central Emergency Services attended the drill as part of a joint Firefighter I class they are attending hosted by Anchor Point Fire and HVFD. (Photo by Megan Pacer/Homer News)