The McNeil Canyon Talent Show and Auction were a huge success. Not only was the entertainment wonderful, the bidding was quite entertaining as well. Thanks to all who brought the delicious pies, cakes and baked goods.And again many thanks go out to our silent auction donors: Sasquatch Alaska Adventure Co., Loopy Lupine, Two Sisters Bakery, Jacky Johnson at Salon 575, K-Bay Caffe, Therapeutic Massage by Andrea Huyck, Sourdough Bakery, Snug Harbor Seafoods, Tamika Jones of 31, Joy Huffman and her Scentsy products, Michelle Hatton of Northern Moon, The AK Sticker Guy, Antanida Reutov and all the folks who helped cut, split and stack the three cords of wood. Your donations are greatly appreciated. We could not be the exceptional school that we are without all of your help and support.
Britt Milne, Amy Stonorov and April Rhodes
for the McNeil Canyon Community Council
Editor’s Note: Last week we promised you a Q & A with Vic Fischer, an icon of Alaska politics. Unfortunately, space constraints prevented us from printing that interview this week. Stay tuned.