Support House Bill 69

What is the true purpose of the Second Amendment? I’ve read more than a hundred well documented and purposely recorded quotations by at least 15 of our major founding fathers explaining exactly what they meant. They meant in no uncertain terms that all the citizenry, all common people, should be fully armed and know how to use. The main reason being as a last defense against rogue government (including domestic) for the preservation of liberty. Take some time, look some up, they were ever so clear exactly what they meant. Google “founding fathers, quotes, guns or arms.”

 The greatest cause of unnatural death in history and throughout history is government. By the millions, not just school shootings. Disarmament starts out innocently enough with good seeming reasons. First registration and restriction, then felony for noncompliance. Then confiscation. Then oppression, mass murder, tyranny, loss of freedom, injustice. Time and time again through history. The Second Amendment is the fourth branch of government and the teeth that has kept our nation strong. Support House Bill 69 in Alaska.

Rev. Richard Olson