Why Americans voted for Trump

The below is a collection of thoughts as to why the American people voted against Clinton and, ergo, Obama and his policies. Some thoughts are mine; many are from people I have talked with who wanted to share their reasons for voting Trump.

The American people don’t like being called nasty names by either the media, or politicians running for office. Calling the American people “deplorable,” “racist,” “homophobic” and other names alienated the American voter. This action motivated many people to vote for Trump.

The American people saw how Donald Trump was treated by the media and they didn’t like it. It was terribly unfair and it created sympathy for his election run. Americans have a sense of fair play and the media trampled all over it. This action motivated many people to vote for Trump.

The American people are being seriously hurt by Obama Care. Imagine trying to pay a mortgage, make car payments, buy groceries and be stuck with a several thousand dollar Obama Care bill each and every month. This motivated many working people to vote for Trump.

Americans are a proud and just people. They don’t like being told what to do by Washington elites and the Media. This action motivated Many people to vote for Trump.

Obama has spent more taxpayer money than all presidents combined, all the way back to George Washington. The national debt is unsustainable and the American people know it. We cannot continue down this road. The nearly $20 trillion national debt translates to more than $60,121 for every man, woman and child. This fact motivated many people to vote for Trump.

Clinton complains there is a different standard for her. She is right on. She gets away with criminal acts that would put you or me in prison. The F.B.I. admitted she lied to Congress, the American people and the F.B.I. itself, yet she is not charged with perjury. Why? The American people want government officials to be subject to the same laws as the people. This action motivated many people to vote for Trump.

The Department of Justice has quashed the investigation into the Clintons’ Pay to Play (Clinton Foundation) money making plans of giving political favors to donors while she was Secretary of State. Clearly illegal and corrupt, the American people saw this injustice and reacted accordingly. This action motivated many people to vote for Trump.

Obama used the I.R.S. as a weapon against conservative political groups. This is a criminal act and is not how our country is supposed to work. Let’s be intellectually honest here, if you think that was A-OK, then you won’t mind if Trump uses the I.R.S. against liberal political groups. This action motivated many people to vote for Trump.

The Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign conspired to pay people with mental issues to cause violent disruptions at Trump rallies. This has been proven to be 100 percent factual. There were people physically injured by this action, and in fact inciting people to violence is a crime. This action motivated many people to vote for Trump.

The Democrats and Clinton are very much against the Second Amendment. They don’t believe citizens should have the right to bear arms. The American people value the Constitution of the United States and don’t want to see it gutted. This action motivated tons of people to vote for Trump.

Obama used executive actions to such a degree, he became a defacto dictator while in office. This action motivated many people to vote for Trump.

A federal judge ordered the State Department to release all the Clinton emails. They did not. Wikileaks simply complied with the judge’s order by releasing those emails that the State Department would not. It’s interesting that hackers have become journalists, and journalists have become hacks. This action motivated many people to vote for Trump.

Obama and Clinton want to allow hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees into the United States without background checks. Many Syrian terrorists have used refugee status in Europe to carry out horrific terror attacks resulting in hundreds of deaths. This motivated Many people to vote for Trump.

NAFTA and other trade deals that give advantages to trading partners while taking jobs from American citizens are causing hardship for many people. This motivated many people to vote for Trump.

The Obama administration is refusing to enforce our immigration laws, effectively tying the hands of immigration enforcement officers and keeping them from doing their jobs. This action motivated many people to vote for Trump.

Every time there is a terrorist attack in our country, Obama says, “The facts are not in yet. Let’s not jump to conclusions.” Yet when there is a police shooting, Obama blames the police before all the facts are in. Why is Obama protecting terrorists and criminals? This motivated many people to vote for Trump.

Obama invited Black Lives Matter into the White House after they called for the killing of our police officers. This motivated many people to vote for Trump.

Hillary Clinton was the most corrupt individual to run for president in the history of this country. The American people knew it, they witnessed the media not only refusing to cover her lack of integrity, but blatantly covering it up. This motivated loads of people to vote for Trump.

There is no “one single reason” Trump won and Clinton lost. It was a conglomeration of many of the different reasons you have read above. Except for Fox News, all the major news organizations were against Trump — yet, he won. I would expect, until these issues are addressed, the Democrats will find it difficult to win many elections. Deny this at your peril.

Anchor Point resident Mark Hadley is a retired commercial pilot, flight instructor and EMT. He also spent 30 plus years in the photo finishing industry. He writes that he is a current Republican and former Democrat. “I didn’t desert them; they deserted me,” he says.