Letters to the Editor

Government always ends up the oppressor

Hal Spence again spilled valuable ink in fulfilling another fool’s errand in his recent letter to the editor. Spence failed to see the parallel between 60 legislators being required to wear stickers and Jews being required to wear yellow Stars of David during the Second World War. One might assume that — initially — 60 Jews were chosen to wear the “Star.” And when no Jewish opposition was shown, the Germans expanded their armband campaign to include all.

Spence could have better spent his ink and time reminding the reader that past Jewish holocaust was a result — in large part — of the unwillingness of Jews to prepare for oppression. Jewish history (with few exceptions) has been one of pacifism. Jews (with few exceptions) left themselves unarmed and unprepared. During the Second World War their god ignored them while their government abused them.

Even today — unbelieveably — with the history of the Holocaust behind them, U.S. Jews favor the Democratic Party position of gun control and personal disarmament.

Spence would have best reminded all that government always starts out your friend … and ends up your oppressor. To wit, between 1929 and 1953 13 million Soviet citizens were killed by their government. Between 1949 and 1976, 20 millin=on Chinese were killed by their government.

Between 1975 and 1979, 1 million Cambodian citizens were killed by their government. And yes, between 1933 and 1945 6 million Jews were killed by the German government.

Jack Polster

Seldovia farewell

Moving onto the outer beach I am greeted by a musical surf that is accompanied by applause of loose gravel showing appreciation by its moving seaward in unison with the constant wave action.

Each morning that I walk the beach it is clean, fresh, young and new by the moon’s influence, so they say. Gulls pin wheeling high above is as routine as my sandy walks, along with an occasional seashell where someone is still at home there.

The harbor master’s dogs greet me with the same old zealous need to play as always. And finding no treats, off to bay at a harbor seal who shows no interest in shore side matters.

Yesterday I assisted two small souls stranded in a tidal pool in finding their way back to the safety of the sea as Arctic terns cried out their disappointment in me.

Today the mail plane arrives, with all the gossip and maybe July strawberries.

Will there be a letter for me? How many times have I asked myself that question? What year was that? Do I miss her? Would I leave if she were to ask me?

But of course,I only ask these questions when I am alone. Taking my rest near the hulk of a once proud vessel, I wonder to myself, could I have been as brave as those men of the sea?

Was that what she was looking for? The question has a familiar ring to it.

Then I am brought out of my euphoric fog by the roar of the mail plane’s powerful engines.

As I return to the small harbor, I know I will never leave this place, nor respond to, another siren’s call, no matter how sweet her song.

What remains of my life have left to me I know there will farewell.

John A. Anderson

Time for a state convention on social issues

According to statistics on crime, violence, mental health, and addiction, Alaska is arguably the most dangerous state in the country. Having the furthest to go means we may have the most to teach if we get it right. Now is the time for a new state convention. Let’s invite legislators, health professionals, community leaders, grandmothers and grandfathers, educators and artists to refit our systems to serve our modern society.

Americans have always been rebels and innovators. We are entirely capable of reconstructing and refunding our health, social, and law enforcement systems in powerful and productive ways, ignoring politics and embracing pragmatism. Right now our law enforcement officers respond to a ridiculous gamut of wants and needs while murders and missing person cases go unsolved, but at the moment there is no one else to call for help. Let’s fix that. Let’s fix all of it.

We did it before. We can do it again. No more excuses — it’s time for solutions. And the people at the top either can’t or won’t do it alone, or it’d be done already. This takes all of us.


Cassondra Windwalker

Thank you Homer Kachemak Bay Rotary Club

I want to express appreciation to the Homer Kachemak Bay Rotary Club for their investment in my future education by awarding me a generous scholarship. I was thrilled to learn of my selection for this honor. Rotary’s kind support will help me study marine biology at the University of Alaska Southeast. I am extremely grateful. This kind gift will help relieve some of the stress of paying for college expenses, thereby allowing me to focus on academics.

Thank you again,

Rio Shemet Pitcher

COVID 1984

Obsessing over masking is playing into a scheme to control you. To make you afraid. To set you at odds with other members of this community.

The dark shadow has been cast over us by spotlighting, cherry picking, exaggerating death counts that are not statistically

unusual. Beware. Lighten up, Homerfolk.

Tod Tenhoff

Vance cares more for career than constituents

On Sunday Rep. Sarah Vance held a kick-off campaign ice cream social in Homer in the middle of an outbreak of COVID-19. Throughout the world clusters of COVID-19 have been tied to gatherings similar to what was held on Sunday. Research shows that social distancing and wearing of masks decreases the likelihood of the spread of the disease. The CDC. and Alaska’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Anne Zink, recommend wearing masks and social distancing when out in public. The photographs from the event show that neither of these were occurring.

It looks like Rep. Vance cares more about her political aspirations than the health of her constituents. I hope that in two weeks the contact tracers are not looking for people who attended the gathering because a person with COVID-19 might have been there.


Janet Fink

Homer Foundation helps seniors in pandemic relief

The Anchor Point Senior Citizens Inc (APSCI) has been working hard to keep our seniors and residents connected during this time of pandemic. Every day APSCI touches base with community members to assess needs and work hard to find solutions. Since the full closures in March, APSCI has provided thousands of pounds of fresh fish, produce, fruit, and more to the community at no charge every week and the kitchen has been busy with providing TAKEOUT meals.

APSCI would like to publicly express our thanks and appreciation to the Homer Foundation for their generous financial support. We are particularly thankful that the Homer Foundation has reached out to support APSCI as a neighboring agency of Anchor Point. Networking draws our communities closer, and with cohesiveness comes a greater sense of security and support. The Homer Foundation has routinely checked on our agency, to ensure that we may continue to provide many services to the community of Anchor Point. For this we are grateful.

The Homer Foundation has also contributed to our fundraising efforts towards converting to natural gas. This conversion will save us thousands of dollars in heating bills over the years. This conversion to natural gas has been a discussion in our organization for quite some time and we are now on step to accomplish this. Even the pandemic setbacks will not deter APSCI from moving toward sustainability.

We are very appreciative of the support from the Homer Foundation and the community.


Cindy Burns, for the Anchor Point Senior Citizens Inc. Board of Directors