Nonprofit needs

December nonprofit needs

The Senior Center needs a seamstress to sew shirt protectors for residents and adult day participants. Contact: Keren Kelly,

Kachemak Heritage Land Trust would like a locking four-drawer file cabinet with a key, a working printing calculator. and a floor and/or desk lamp.. Contact: Marie McCarty,

South Peninsula Haven House is looking for the following items for the shelter: Women’s rain gear (coats) / umbrella, Chapstick, razors and shaving cream, tampons and feminine hygiene products, towels, journals / daily calendars, dog food, shampoo and conditioner, hair ties, slippers, any arts and craft supplies, casserole dishes. and Tupperware. Homer Thrift needs a computer. The Child’s Advocacy Center could use individually wrapped children snacks. The Prevention Department is looking for a good vacuum. Homer Thrift Needs a computer. Contact: Maggie Lush,

Homer Head Start is in need of gently used winter gear, hardcover books, and wooden puzzles for 3-5 year old children. Contact: 235-4322 or

Homer Dog Trainers is looking for metal folding chairs. Contact Pat Moss at

SPARC needs used or new roller skates or blade, any size, so more community members can enjoy our Saturday night skating sessions. Call 299-5115 and we’ll pick them up.

Kachemak Bay Family Planning Clinic is requesting a picnic table with benches or a bench. Contact Catriona at

Does your nonprofit have a need? Send information to the Homer Foundation at for inclusion with the monthly Pay It Forward column.
