Since we have received several inquiries lately about smoking silvers, this looks like an excellent time to offer you a…
Now that the silvers are just starting to nose into our local streams, we have received several emails asking for…
Over the years, I’ve been queried by the clueless, “What the #*%^ is so addicting about fishing? You always seem…
The rumors are true. Last week the fishing lagoon was issuing coho like a loaded Pez dispenser along with some…
Well, look what finally showed up at the ye ole fishing hole.
The spit’s fishing hole has been a watery desert lately as hard-core lagoon lurkers pace the water’s edge in anticipation…
Last Saturday was a beautiful anomaly with a rare sighting of a sun-like object hovering over the area as the…
As I was scoping out a crowd of anglers at the Nick Dudiak Fishing Lagoon last week, it brought back…
After a slow start, fish are beginning to show up in larger numbers
I must admit that Mother Nature’s decision to drag her 10-inch heels reluctantly into the summer has been laying it…
As I wandered around last week jawing with visiting shore anglers, I was amazed to discover that many of them…
The lagoon’s infamous and intrepid mayor is back and has nailed his first chinook
We’ve been monitoring various catches being brought in lately and things are starting to look up