Please Vote Fish

If the smell of a fresh caught Salmon 

in the last moments of its focused taking 

registered, and returned, 

in memory and senses as you read this 

Please Vote Fish 


If the act of catching Salmon, 

however the method 

leaves you with a certain, and active joy 

Intrinsic and unmeasured in value 

caught, killed, and eaten 

maybe feeding your kids 

introductions to primal joy 

Please Vote Fish 


If what enters your body comes to you 

from the flesh of the lands, 

and the waters around you, 

and the flesh of nutrition has scales, 

and gills, and needs clean water 

Please Vote Fish 


If you understand fragility and demand, 

and our past and present paths 

into extraction, and development, 

and the fragilities of hungers unsatisfied, 

the ever economic demands 

on the fragilities of our own 

Human nature, and our landscapes 

Ancient habitats 

Please Vote Fish 


If you’ve sensed a relationship 

with Salmon, and our habitats shared, 

Intrinsic, and unmeasured in value, 

and you understand the sources 

fishery survivals and abundance, 

or means of extinction, include us, 

sustaining limitations and tolerance 

inclusive in nature…effecting 

all involvements, and everything involved 

Please Vote Fish 


If you care enough to vote 

and you do understand 

You do have a part in this…and, 

if you have done your part 

listening, and looking into 

Ballot measure four…or, 

the tract records and philosophies 

of candidates up for election, 

issues concerning Wild Salmon, 

Yes, and Salmon people habitats 

shared…unaware of affiliation 

If there’s clowns to the left of you 

and jokers to the right 

Please Vote Fish 


If you want Wild Salmon 

Please Vote, 

and in the moment, solo in your election booth 

focused on voting responsibly 

and wisely aware…consciously knowing 

Wild Salmon can’t vote 

Please Vote Fish 

– Steve M. Schoonmaker 
