Community members search for missing horse

Anyone with information or sightings should report them to owners or police.

The community is still searching for a young missing horse, last seen Sunday, Jan. 19. The owners are now offering a $1,000 reward for the safe return or information leading to the return of the colt.

On Tuesday afternoon, a group of around 10 people gathered in the rain near the Lighthouse Fish & Chips to attempt and locate Spurr, a 1-and-a-half-year-old Appaloosa colt. The colt was last seen Sunday afternoon on top of Saltwater Drive at approximately 2:30 p.m. A community member spotted a truck and horse trailer behind him around that time, according to the owner, Katie Klann.

Some community members spent the week looking for Spurr on foot, via horseback, and even aerially. Klann said she worries the colt is trapped in a gully somewhere.

You can reach out to the owners at 907-299-4774 or the Homer Police Department at 907-235-3150 with any information. The owner suggests checking Facebook for updates, where hundreds of people have already shared posts concerned about the missing animal.

Chloe Pleznac is a general assignment reporter for the Homer News. You can reach her at or by calling 907-615-3193.

Community members gather around the owners of a missing colt as they prepare to search areas around the Homer bluff on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025. (Chloe Pleznac/Homer News)

Community members gather around the owners of a missing colt as they prepare to search areas around the Homer bluff on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025. (Chloe Pleznac/Homer News)

Spurr, a 1-and-a-half-year-old colt, and his owners are photographed in January 2025, before his disappearance on Sunday, in Homer, Alaska. (Photo courtesy of Katie Klann)

Spurr, a 1-and-a-half-year-old colt, and his owners are photographed in January 2025, before his disappearance on Sunday, in Homer, Alaska. (Photo courtesy of Katie Klann)

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