Years Ago

Homer happenings from years past

20 years ago

Homer’s new animal shelter is now open, and workers have spent the past week moving in from the temporary quarters on the Homer Spit. “We’re open for everything. We’re a fully functioning shelter,” said Animal Control Officer Sherri Bess, who manages the shelter. Everything, she said, includes animal turn-ins and adoptions. The shelter includes rooms for medical procedures, a staff break room, and lockers and a shower for volunteers. It also has a bathroom, a reception area, two rooms for cats and separated kennels for dogs.

— From the issue of Jan. 20, 2005

30 years ago

Students who use drugs or alcohol on school grounds or come to school under their influence could be expelled even for a first offense if a new policy now under discussion by district officials goes into effect, a school board member from Homer said Tuesday. MaryAnne Gross, a member of the Kenai Peninsula School Board, said some high school principals are worried that students don’t view suspension from school as much of a threat and see the district’s current policy as weak and cumbersome. The principals met with school board members and Superintendent Walter Bromenschenkel at a work session in Soldotna of Thursday of last week.

— From the issue of Jan. 19, 1995