
Best Online Therapy Programs (Top 2024 Platforms)

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The internet has made it easier than ever to find a therapist. You can now go online and purchase some time with one of these professionals for whatever fee that works best in your budget, whether you’re looking into paying monthly or want an hourly rate!

These websites offer a safe space for people with different mental health concerns to explore their thoughts and feelings without judgment.

Research shows how our brains work and what we need to function at their best, more than ever!

The Best Online Therapy Programs in 2024

The internet is a minefield of conflicting information. Many online therapy websites claim to be the best around, but how do you know which one works? Our team has put together this ranking of the best online therapy programs for 2024:

  • Better Help
  • Talk Space
  • ReGain
  • Brightside
  • Calmerry
  • Online-Therapy.com
  • MyWellbeing
  • Health Sapiens
  • Faithful Counseling
  • Teen Counseling
  • Pride Counseling
  • Self Therapy Journey
  • Cerebral
  • Doctor on Demand
  • MDLive
  • 7Cups
  • Bonus Online Therapy Program: Neuro Balance Therapy

Better Help

Better Help is one of the internet’s most popular therapy services. The website offers individual, couples, and teen sessions to those who need them!

Better Help is a company that offers the world’s largest network of licensed, accredited, and experienced therapists. These clinical professionals have direct experience helping patients navigate depression, anxiety relationships, trauma, grief, or other issues to find their way back into wellness.

The best way to get professional help for your mental health is through an online therapy program like Better Help. This service provides the same quality and level of care as in-person, without travel expenses or hassle!

Talk Space

Talk Space connects you with the perfect therapist in just seconds. You can start therapy immediately after completing an online assessment, no matter what level of support or budget preference fits your needs best!

More than half of Talk Space users experienced clinically significant changes after eight weeks, while only 25% had similar levels or minor changes in their condition as those who attended face-to-face therapy sessions.


ReGain is the best way to find the right therapist for you. Take an assessment and invite your partner (optional), then get matched with one of the licensed professionals who can help in any situation!

The idea of communicating with your therapist in different ways is nothing new. ReGain stands out because its features allow you to do so easily and quickly without sacrificing quality or comfortability on either end! You can chat through messaging services such as WhatsApp if talking face-to-face isn’t possible right now; talk by phone during off-hours when there’s no wait time for an available slot at one particular office. And finally, choose between video sessions too, because we know how much technology has changed over these last few years.


If you’re feeling down, it may be time for an online session with Brightside Health. The company’s therapy services have been clinically proven to work, and 85% of members say they feel better after just 12 weeks!

The bright side is a company that offers mental health services with therapists licensed in your state. They undergo comprehensive background checks for themselves and their employees, including having degrees from accredited universities or holding other licenses necessary to practice psychology.

The Brightside app helps you take control of your care in a way we don’t see with other online therapy platforms. It lets users track their progress by following your path, an easy-to-use science-based symptom tracker that gets feedback from doctors and therapists to adjust on the go!


Calmerry is here to help you manage your anxiety. Suppose it’s been worsening or signs of stagnation in other aspects of life because of an over-barring worry system such as excessive stress and urgency for action combined with difficulty slowing down through mindfulness techniques. In that case, Calemerys’ affordable therapy may be just what’s needed!

I have seen people struggling before, but after working closely one-on-one, they found relief–and now continue daily without any additional doses required throughout time.

The online community Calmerry is a safe, affordable space for people with anxiety to get the help they need. Take their short survey and choose your subscription plan – if you’re not satisfied, let them know! Once subscribed, all that’s left to do is take charge by working through challenging situations like learning self-awareness or goal-setting skills. When it comes time, set realistic goals because no one said life would come without challenges but being able to handle these obstacles better means truly living fully every day.

Online Therapy

Online Therapy has provided qualified professionals to help people feel better since 2009. They offer services such as live sessions, worksheets, and activities plans so you can find what’s suitable for your needs in a minute!

Therapy is an often-times tricky journey that requires time, patience, and self-care. Online therapy can help you on your path to healing by giving instant feedback through a simple survey, so there’s no need for travel or scheduling conflicts between sessions!


You’re probably wondering who you should talk to about your mental health. You want someone with experience in the field, but it can be hard to find a therapist that fits all of those criteria – especially if they’re available at any time! Well, now there is MyWellbeing. An app where people like yourself get matched up according to their needs and preferences by answering three questions online before being placed into one or more benches. Like passengers waiting for a lifeboat until it is finally theirs, or something along those lines anyway.

As a leading online therapy program, MyWellbeing offers professional care from highly trained therapists specializing in different areas of health. From anxiety to chronic illness and more – they can help you find the right solution for your needs!

Health Sapiens

Health Sapiens is a 24/7 telemedicine platform that helps you get diagnosed in minutes. The app connects patients with medical professionals across the country, making it easier for anyone to find help when they need it most – whether their mental health or physical well-being depends on finding out what’s wrong fast!

Health Sapiens is a revolutionary service that provides all the benefits and more than urgent care or emergency room visits. It’s an easy, affordable way to get high-quality medical attention when you need it most without having anything else planned for today!

Faithful Counseling

Faithful Counseling is a website that helps you find the perfect online therapist based on your needs. They consider what kind of faith and belief system someone has so that they can design an experience specifically for them!

Growing up can be difficult, and it often feels like there’s no one around who understands what you’re going through. That is why they created Faithful Counseling – to provide vulnerable individuals with an opportunity for emotional support, whether they need guidance or just someone in their life that will listen without judgment!

Faithful Counseling offers affordable and accessible faith-based Counseling to everyone. Whether you want help with spiritual issues, learning how to connect your life back onto the track after an emotional breakdown, or just need someone who will listen without judgment throughout those tough days – they’ve got what it takes!

Teen Counseling

Teen Counseling is a company that helps teens thrive with 11,000 licensed therapists who are available by text message or video call. These qualified professionals provide therapy to help your teen succeed in life!

There is a reason why teens need special attention, and it’s not just because they are 173% more likely than adults to have mental health problems! They also face unique challenges like dealing with trauma or being overwhelmed by relationships. That’s where Teen Counseling therapists come in. They specialize specifically for your kid, helping them get the experience of an office-based therapist at lower prices while still providing quality care that will last their whole lives.

Pride Counseling

With Pride Counseling, you can find a therapist that matches your needs and preferences. Whether online or through an app on iOS & Android devices- they’re available 24/7!

Pride counseling offers professional therapy for the LGBTQ community with one goal: To help everyone reach their full potential as members of society who are proud of being different from what’s considered “normal.”

With Pride Counseling’s online therapy program, anyone can get the help they need without leaving home. The website offers accepting users from every gender and orientation imaginable with an option for multiple identities!

Self Therapy Journey

Imagine a world where you can heal yourself, transform your psychological issues, and enhance self-confidence with just the button click. This is possible now thanks to STJ – an online tool that helps people overcome their mental health problems by giving them access from anywhere on this planet at any given time!

After struggling with issues for years, it’s finally time to take control of your life. Self-Therapy Journey will help you heal from the inside out by addressing psychological problems like procrastination, shyness, and emotional wounds such as regret or shame that have been caused by former relationships in which they were used against us – but not just those! They also specialize in helping people achieve a greater sense of self-worth, so there isn’t any room left over for negative feelings.

What’s your mental state? Is it stuck in life, or are you struggling with a specific concern that needs attention, like depression, for example? If so, then they can help! Take the quiz and find out more about how the online Self-TherapyJourney might be able to assist – even though the site may seem outdated compared to other programs on offer at present.


Cerebral is different because you can get online prescriber visits, care counseling, and prescriptions delivered to your door for just $30 a month.

When you sign up for Cerebral, your first subscription plan includes regular assessments and video or phone appointments with a provider. You also get medication management included in the price of this one-time purchase that can be canceled should something better come along!

Doctor on Demand

Doctor on Demand is the first and only platform connecting patients with board-certified doctors 24/7. The service provides instant access to medical help from any location, including weekends or late at night when other platforms are closed!

If you’re looking for a way to spend less time in the doctor’s office, then Doctor on Demand might be right up your alley! They provide total virtual care with personalized service that can’t be beaten. Plus, it’s covered by insurance or employer plans, so sign-up today and make those appointments more convenient.


MDLive is the stage for getting rid of your worries and finding peace. You can access board-certified doctors and licensed therapists who will ensure that all stress melts away with just one visit!

MDLive is a platform where you can find the best prices for your healthcare needs. There are no more surprises or hidden fees, just straightforward service that makes it easy and accessible! They have experts specializing in urgent care and behavioral health therapy available at different price points depending on what type of insurance coverage you have- from $0 to 95 dollars with no out-of-pocket cost if covered by Medicare/Medicaid.

The MDLive mobile app is great for making appointments on-the-go. It’s also easy to connect with a healthcare professional, wherever you are!


7Cups is a free online therapy program that provides emotional support to the user. Users can speak with volunteer listeners 24/7. If they need more help in an interactive room for pay, individual counselors or group sessions are available at their discretion without cost!

7Cups provides various services, including online therapy for those who want to speak with someone without being legally bound. You can also pay to get confidential sessions specially trained and framed professionally by licensed therapists from around the globe- all at your fingertips!

Bonus Online Therapy Program: Neuro Balance Therapy

Check out this fantastic new therapy program that’s unlike any other on the market! You pay a one-time fee, then get access to videos and eBooks so you can practice physical therapist techniques at home.

The older you get, the less stable your standing becomes. But that doesn’t have to be a recipe for disaster! Neuro Balance Therapy’s online program can teach people like yourself how they too could restore their balance without spending lots on specialists or costly treatments. It’s one way in an ever-expanding list of possibilities when it comes down to choosing what will work best at any given time.

Neuro Balance Therapy comes with a spike ball. You place the spikes underneath your feet to revive a natural movement to feel strong and stable as you walk around freely! It’s priced at $47-$77.

Factors Considered for Ranking The Top Online Therapy Platforms

There are a lot of different types and levels with online therapy, but we used the following ranking system to separate what is best:

Licensed, Accredited, Board-Certified Therapists

If you’re looking for the best online therapy programs, your provider must use licensed professionals. You can’t just go anywhere! To find an accredited and board-certified therapist with experience in mental health counseling via video chat or phone calls – which are often more convenient than face-to-face sessions, we recommend approaching the above mentioned sources.

Custom Matching Based on Concern

While the best online therapists specialize in helping patients deal with stress and anxiety, many do not. You must find an accredited website where they can provide a more personalized care plan for your unique concern!

Custom Matching Based on Demographics

Most online therapy programs allow you to effortlessly filter through the many therapists based on your demographics. For example, suppose one of them is that they need a member to match their gender or age with an individual’s preferences. In that case, there will be several ways for people looking into this service to find just what’s right suited perfectly well, including whether there are any restrictions concerning which sex/orientation can be assigned at first glance. Still, every situation varies, so please do some research before making either decision since things may change after someone gets started!

Ease of Use

Land your therapist’s website in the best possible spot with our ranking system. This is important because you want to find a site that makes it easy for patients like yourself to get what they need without any hassle – whether this is treated or supported!

Multiple Communication Methods

We all have moments where we need someone to listen, but maybe not in person. There are so many different ways of communicating with therapists – via video chat or phone calls if you want them on speakerphone too!

Hassle-Free Scheduling

Good online therapy programs offer a flexible schedule that makes meeting with your therapist easy and convenient.

Patient Reviews

What makes for an excellent online therapy program? We looked at the most popular options and found that positive reviews outweighed negative ones significantly. The best part is these programs have thousands of happy patients to back up their claims!

Digital Worksheets and Other Materials

Therapy is more than just a conversation; it’s also about building confidence in yourself. The best online therapists provide their patients with digital worksheets and other materials to work on personal development while still getting help from the professional therapist right at home or anywhere else you may need them!

Moneyback or Satisfaction Guarantee

The best online therapy programs have a moneyback or satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not happy with the service, there’s always your assurance that they’ll give back some of what was paid for it!

Price and Value

Online therapy is an affordable and convenient option for those who can’t attend a session every day. One weekly or monthly fee covers all of your appointments, no matter how often you’re absent! You may be wondering what type of services should you expect from a premium online therapy program. We found that the difference in quality between programs can vary quite drastically, so make sure to do your research before choosing one!

What Can Online Therapy Help With?

The good news is that there are many qualified therapists online. Whether you need help with addiction, eating disorders, or anxiety, if the psychological treatment you’re looking for doesn’t seem available in person, look no further than an accredited internet-based program!

  • Depression
  • Interpersonal relationship conflicts
  • Bipolar disorders
  • Eating disorders
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Couples counseling
  • Addiction
  • Anger management

Top 12 Advantages of Online Therapy

Online therapy is an excellent way to get treatment when you’re not able to. You can even chat with someone in another country if need be, 24 hours per day!

Just as Effective (Or More Effective)

Some people prefer in-person therapy, and others feel that online treatment works just as well. A recent study found the two treatment methods are equally effective with many benefits for those who resort to them, including cost savings on travel expenses or time spent commuting into work each day.

Talk Via Phone, Video Chat, or Chat

Therapy is a place where people can go to get help for their problems. Some may not feel comfortable talking face-to-face, or maybe you want more personal attention than what an online session offers; in either case, there are plenty of ways we accommodate your needs!

Accessible Mental Health Solutions for Remote Areas

Adults worldwide are living farther away from medical help than ever before. This means they must rely on local resources or visit clinics to receive treatment for their mental illnesses, which can be time-consuming and difficult when there isn’t anyone around who understands what it’s like inside your head! Luckily, online therapy has become more accessible, giving people an opportunity no matter where they live- even if it’s rural Africa.

Makes Mental Health Accessible for Someone with Physical Limitations

When you’re struggling to find the words, it can seem like there is no end in sight. But online therapy programs are available for those who need help with communication or have leave-the-house issues and want access without traveling far from home!

Convenient and Time-Saving

Instead of wasting time driving across town to see your therapist and waiting at their office, you can save both by visiting them in person.

Get Help in Minutes

The internet is a great place to find therapy. Many online programs let you connect with someone in minutes, whether for mental health concerns or simply talking, to slow your stress levels!

24/7 Availability

Therapy is a tricky business. It’s hard to be available 24/7, and even the world’s best therapists can’t do it all by themselves! But you don’t have to worry because nowadays, there are online programs that offer therapy any time of day or night- ask for your pick from registered therapists in different time zones.

Confidentiality and Privacy

Therapy online? You don’t need to worry about confidentiality or privacy! With an app, you and your therapist are alone. Nobody will ask where one is going or why they are unreachable during certain times because there isn’t a face-to-face meeting for patients who work full time. They also have some downtime after pouring themselves another cup of coffee from dawn until dusk every day.

Use Any Smartphone, Computer, or Tablet Anywhere You Go

Therapy online is the perfect solution for those who need help when they’re on vacation or otherwise unable to make an appointment. You can talk with your therapist from anywhere using multiple devices!

Available for Individuals, Couples, Teens, and Kids

Many different types of patients can receive online therapy services. Whether you’re looking for yourself or someone else, help is available through these programs with various needs and requirements!

Professional, Licensed, Board-Certified Therapists

Online therapists are more than just people. They’re trained professionals with master’s degrees and board certifications who have been specially selected to provide you the best service possible – just like those at an in-person clinic!


Online therapy programs offer a more cost-effective way to get the help you need. These virtual sessions don’t require high overhead costs or travel so that they can be anywhere your heart desires!

Downsides of Online Therapy

Insurance May or May Not Cover It

The good news is that there are many insurance plans available to cover the cost of therapy. The bad? Not all online therapeutic programs consider this, meaning you may be footing a hefty bill yourself if your plan doesn’t help with these costs!

Some States Limit Online Therapy Accessibility

While many people may be able to find a therapist through an online directory, there is still the risk that they will not have access in other states. This makes it essential for those with mental health issues but who live outside large cities or regions where medical professionals are more prevalent than usual – especially considering most states restrict out-of-state psychologists from providing services within said borders!

Not Every Online Therapy Program Is Made Equal

There are many benefits to online therapy, including the ability for people who can’t afford personal sessions at their local clinic or hospital. Many of these programs provide adequate mental health care that’s on par with what you might receive face-to-face if it was available where you live; however, not all such services work equally well, so do your due diligence before choosing one!

Lack of Body Language and Cues

The lack of body language in video calls can be hard to read, affecting therapy delivery. Body movements, facial expressions, or proximity may need clarification for optimal results.

Not Ideal for Serious Psychiatric Illnesses

Online therapy is an excellent way for many types of mental health services and treatments, but it’s not recommended if you have severe psychiatric illnesses. In-person care may be more appropriate; however, online resources can help with milder conditions like anxiety or depression that don’t require constant attention from someone else while also providing access 24/7 without interruptions such as phone calls during work hours.

Can Insurance Cover Online Therapy?

The insurer will cover your therapy session, but it’s up to you if and when that takes place. Some insurers offer $0 copays for certain telemedicine visits; Aetna provides a similar benefit to their $0 copay on online treatment sessions!

Removing location-specific requirements for covered therapy appointments means you can enjoy the same benefits regardless of whether it is provided online or in person.

Don’t let your insurance stop you from getting the help right! Online therapists can be a great option if they accept payments through tax-advantaged accounts like Health Savings Accounts (HSA).

7 Benefits of Starting Therapy Today

Maybe you’re still feeling hesitant about therapy? Whether getting treatment online or in person, there are proven advantages to talking with a professional therapist.

Get Rid of Anxiety and Worries

The best way to get through tough times is with the help of a friend. If you frequently find yourself catastrophizing, over-generalizing, or engaging in all-or-nothing mindsets, it may be time for some cognitive distortion therapy!

Regain Hope

Therapy is a great way to get back on track if you feel lost and shattered. Therapists will help identify what’s making your life feel empty, then work with that problem until it no longer exists!

Step-by-Step Guidance

Mental health is essential to maintain and create a healthy life. You can’t expect an overnight cure for cognitive issues, but like physical well-being, we need time to make you feel better again, with our online therapists providing the steps required on how best to handle these kinds of problems.

Acclimate, Change, and Grow

Therapy is a great way to help you become the best version of yourself. Whether it’s because life has been tough lately, or if some things are going on in your world that just don’t seem right and need addressing before they get worse! A therapist can guide through these times, so we never know when bad habits start getting ingrained for good.”

Process Trauma and Changes

Therapists are seeing a lot of people these days. There’s been so much trauma and other significant events that some may need therapy to process all they’ve gone through. In contrast, others just want help processing what happened at the latest rollercoaster ride or breaking up with an ex-boyfriend who didn’t deserve you anyway!

Build Interpersonal Relationships

Sound therapy can help you improve your interpersonal relationships. Soundwaves offer a more natural way of communicating with those in our lives. They focus on the body’s energy fields and how sound impacts them differently depending upon their reactions to frequencies or sounds that we produce.

Communicate With a Neutral, Professional Third Party

It’s not just about talking. Therapists need to listen and understand all of the messages that come through their doors, so they can help you feel better fast with a positive result!

Scientific Evidence for Online Therapy

The internet is a great place to find mental health treatment. Some studies have shown that online therapy can be just as effective and more convenient than going into an office, especially if you’re looking for quicker results!

The internet is an excellent resource for mental health. A recent study found that online therapy was just as effective and less expensive than in-person sessions!

The impact of online therapy on mental health is becoming more and more prevalent as it can provide patients with the same results that in-person treatments do. A recent study found this type of treatment was just as effective compared to face-to-face sessions. In contrast, others have shown similar effects for those dealing specifically with Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia.

What is the most comprehensive study on online therapy? It was published in 2020 and analyzed 17 different studies to determine how effective CBT provided by mental health professionals can be when given over internet connections. The researchers found that CBTs were just as successful at treating depression as traditional face-to-face sessions!

The efficacy of online therapy appears to be the same, regardless of whether it is delivered in person or not.

The therapist’s inability to work nationwide is an example of how the internet has revolutionized business, creating new challenges for therapists and clients. Online treatment can be complex because state laws vary when working with customers who live in different parts or even just one city- and federal regulations add another level.

Online therapies are just as effective and popular with patients, according to a study from 2016. The researchers found that many enjoyed online therapy sessions while others reported good results, too- even though some therapists seemed hesitant about this form of treatment!

FAQs About Online Therapy

Q: How does online therapy work?

A: Online therapy is the perfect way to get one-on-one time with your shrink without leaving home. You can talk through video chat, email, or text message and even participate in live sessions while on vacation!

Q: How much can online therapy cost?

A: For many people, online therapy can be less expensive than traditional face-to-face sessions. One month of treatment at an average cost per week ($50) will only set you back about $90 compared to the usual price range from around 100 dollars up to thousands depending on how much time your therapist spends with you.

Q: Who should take online therapy?

A: The internet is a magical place where you can find all your needs met. Whether for dating, relationship advice, or just someone to listen to when life gets too hard, the web has an answer in store!

Q: What is the best online therapy?

A: To find the best online therapy programs, you must consider your needs and preferences. Some of them include Better Help Talk Space ReGain Brightside or Calmerry, among others

Q: What is online therapy?

A: Therapy is a fantastic thing. If you’re not able to see your therapist in person, there are many online alternatives for dealing with mental health issues that can be just as effective – sometimes even more so!

Q: Does insurance cover online therapy?

A: When looking for the best therapy, it can be hard to know what kind of coverage your insurance offers. Ensure that any online providers are covered under the same guidelines as other medical professionals in their state!

Q: Do online therapists have licenses?

A: While online therapy programs may use any licensed therapist, each state has its licensing requirements for therapists. Generally speaking, you will need to be Board Certified or hold another specific license from your jurisdiction’s board to provide service there. Before starting an internet-based treatment program, one must ensure they meet these standards!

Q: Can an online therapist advise medications?

A: The internet has made it easier to find a therapist than ever. Some online therapies allow therapists and patients (or “instructors”) to prescribe medications, including anti-anxiety medication or antidepressants, from within their platform!

Q: How often can I connect with my online therapist?

A: Other online therapy platforms offer a weekly or monthly subscription. However, many will allow you to customize your plan based on unique needs and preferences!

Q: Can I select the therapist I want with online therapy?

A: The therapist you choose should be someone who can understand what’s going on in your life and help to guide it. It may seem like an overwhelming decision, but we’re here for everything from picking a specific person or matching based on how worried/confused about therapy this will make them feel- so don’t hesitate!

Q: Will I always have the same therapist?

A: Most online therapy programs use the same therapist for each patient, but you can request a new one if they don’t feel right. When looking at what kind of service an organization provides and how satisfied people are with them compared to other options available, on-demand mental health services may play into this decision more than we realize. There’s no need to stick with just any old TCF provider when better alternatives exist!

Q: Is online therapy secured?

A: The internet is a convenient and affordable way to find professional help. All online therapists must follow ethical codes, including patient privacy laws; as long they’re licensed by the state in which their practice takes place (or if it doesn’t exist yet), that means following all of these same guidelines on confidentiality, too!

Q: Name the best free online therapy program?

A: 7Cups is an online therapy service for those who cannot otherwise afford it. They offer free chat with volunteer therapists and patients worldwide – no major websites provide this type of affordable treatment!

Q: How long is online therapy?

A: How long does an online therapy session usually last? The average time is 30 to 60 minutes, but you can find shorter or longer sessions on some platforms.

Q: What are the benefits of therapy?

A: Therapy can help people with various mental health issues, including improved communication and interpersonal skills, greater self-esteem or confidence in themselves, and their ability to change old habits that may be holding them back. The benefits also include the ability for clients suffering from depression/anxiety disorder to show improvement by learning healthier ways to handle difficult situations more effectively.

The Best Online Therapy Programs in 2024 Takeaway Message

Online therapy is the wave of tomorrow, and top-rated providers like Therapy Live offer all types, from video chat sessions with a therapist to live chats where you can get help around your own time. If this sounds good for anything ranging from depression or anxiety issues – contact a top online provider above today!


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