Nearly 7 million sockeye salmon are projected to run in Upper Cook Inlet this year, with a forecast from the…
The funding stems from fishery disasters that were first recognized and allocated in 2022.
Alaska has a governor who habitually makes appointments to governing boards of individuals who have what should be disqualifying conflicts…
The event is set for 6 p.m. at the Goods on Tuesday, Jan. 7
The governor has recognized economic disasters for local fisheries in 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023
Seines were tested on local beaches this summer in effort helmed by Lisa and Brian Gabriel
The State Board of Fisheries last week rejected calls from the Kenai Peninsula Borough and the cities of Kenai, Soldotna,…
The board last met in Seward in 2019
Discussion of expanded time, days and season of commercial dipnet fishery scheduled for March
The Homer City Council at their Monday, Oct. 14 meeting, passed Resolution 24-108 requesting Gov. Mike Dunleavy designate the area…
Homer’s ADFG office provided tour of weir system to regional Trout Unlimited chapter members
The requests ask the board hear fishing regulation proposals outside of their three-year cycle
After being delayed for more than a year, disaster funds will soon be disbursed for the 2018 East Side Setnet…