Homer Elks Lodge gives grant to Kachemak City playground project

Grant will help rebuild Kachemak City playground facility.

Working through the Homer Foundation, the Homer Elks Lodge #2127 last Tuesday, Oct. 5, presented a $2,500 Gratitude Grant to the Kachemak City Playground Project at the lodge in Homer. The grant was made as a donation to the foundation.

According to a press release from Homer Elks Lodge Grant Coordinator Tom Stroozas, Kachemak City has been working with the Homer Foundation in raising private funds and grants to facilitate the much needed repairs to this community project. Due to funding issues, Kachemak City was only able to remove the tennis courts and fencing to prevent injury, with no funding available for the necessary repairs to return this recreation facility to a state of safe use. The Elks Grant plus other donations will go a long way in helping raise the $200,000 goal to create a multi-use court, playground, walking trail and bike park for the community.

Playground Project Chair and Homer Elks member Bill Fry said in the press release, “We are grateful to Homer Elks for this generous contribution to assist our mission of refurbishing our old and broken down community playground.”

“Homer Elks Lodge has a long tradition of supporting local community needs, and this latest project certainly lives up to their motto: ‘Elks Care, Elks Share,’” Stroozas said in the release.
