“Ah, mom and dad, there’s nothing to do.” Kids, don’t try that line on your parents. Between arts, sports, science…
The seedlings have been lingering in the greenhouse longer than intended. Gee, I wonder why … They are close to…
Now in its 41st season on the Homer Spit, Pier One Theatre announced its summer schedule this week. Shows open…
Kachemak Bay Campus is holding registration for the annual Young Writers Workshop, held as part of the 2013 Kachemak Bay…
ArtPlace America has awarded Bunnell Street Arts Center a $150,000 grant for Old Town AIR, an artist in residence program….
How do you find a home when you find yourself away from the land you’ve grown up in?For Native Alaskans…
Just to continue this bizarre spring, it snowed 3 inches in the hills last Thursday. For you flatlanders, that’s why…
We silly humans think that just because we set a schedule the world will follow. Hah! You know how that…
Four Homer artists have received Rasmuson Foundation project grants or fellowships, the foundation announced on Wednesday. Awarded grants are: •…
ReGroup seeks artists to submit art made from trash for its Salvage Art Exhibit at the Kenai River Festival June…
The Pratt Museum has issued a call for art for its annual Facing the Elements outdoor show. First started in…
A Homer 7th grader, Jimmy Gao, won first prize in the Intermediate II Division at the Alaska Piano Competition. At…
One of Homer’s more obscure art organizations doesn’t have an office, doesn’t have a gallery and only a staff of…