Fresh vegetables for everyone

The sun came out toward the end of the market. It was shining on all of the leftover vegetables and warming the vendors after a cool day.

Luckily, many of those vegetables that the sun was shining on are destined for the Homer Food Pantry. Thanks to a program through the Alaska Association of Farmers Markets, vendors are paid for a certain amount of food dedicated to go to the Food Pantry.

This is a great program and so many ways. Not only do people who are the most in need get access to beautiful, fresh vegetables, but Market vendors know that they can bring vegetables without fear of waste at the end of the Market.

Which is important because those veggies are too beautiful to waste. Paul has his famous celery coming in, Dan’s fresh potatoes are lining up in different colors, and you’ve never seen cauliflower like what Emily is producing. Everyone’s vegetables are at their peaks. There are the steadfast bags of salad at Carrie’s, the lovely braids of fresh garlic at Lori’s, and the heaps of variety over at Rick’s booth.

Doesn’t it feel great to know that we all have access to this quality of food in our community? And it doesn’t stop there. It’s nice to have a meal that goes beyond just vegetables, right?

This is where you step over to talk to Aaron at the Citizen Salmon booth. He’s not your average fish processor, he is always looking to break the mold. His latest product, Surf and Turf, does just that.

This is a perfect example of the best of community. Aaron met the folks from Echo Lake Superior Meats & Processing at a class in Kodiak. As they connected more and their relationship kept going, they came up with a new idea: halibut grind with beef fat. There are already restaurants in town that are trying it out, customers who are returning for more. This could be the burger of halibut burgers.

So head on down to the Homer Farmers Market this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. or Wednesday from 2-5 p.m. and get the freshest and the latest our community has to offer.