With shorter days and shows of aurora, just a few more weeks of market

Days are getting shorter on this amazingly cool summer we have had. The cranes have flown and many of our friends who have homes in warmer climes are packing up to fly as well. It’s understandable.

But for me, this is an awesome time of year to be here. Thanks to shorter days, we can now see the shows of aurora. And even though the rain came pouring down this last weekend, the farmers were still there with their bountiful booths.

Bountiful is the key word. This is the time of year for the greatest variety and the greatest quantity. You will find veggies you may not have even known existed. I made the acquaintance of the Italian flat bean last weekend at Rick Steffen’s booth.

As I was learning that those huge beans (almost an inch wide and 8 inches long) are as delicious as any green bean cooked with new potatoes or maybe a wee bit of bacon, a little girl came up to the booth and asked if she could have a pea (please). You would have thought she just received an ice cream cone, she was so happy.

A second later, a little boy came up, noting that there must be tasty bits as he saw his friend munching on something. He was asked if he would like a pea too. He declined. How about a green bean? No. How about a yellow bean? No, he said, but he didn’t want to seem ungrateful to the farmer. So he did admit that he liked brown beans. It was the offer of a carrot that finally won him over.

So,what is it that grabs you? You have plenty to choose from. If you are planning a going away meal for one of your favorite snowbirds, make sure to check out the Alaska Food Hub website to see much of the variety that is available. Right now the high tunnel produce like tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini are lined up. Up Yonder Farm on the Food Hub even has corn.

No matter what your fancy, make sure to fill your bag or your online shopping cart with all the fresh bounty this season has to offer.