
Shed the Red

Front page story in last week’s edition, “Organize”, read like a Who’s Who list of progressive groups, so many, intent on “fundamentally transforming” our state and nation and destroying Liberty. Absent of course was Karl Marx, although certainly he was there in spirit. I am curious which of the special-interest groups the reporter considered “moderate.”

Most notably present, at least for the rest of us who vote, was Paul Seaton, who still insists on representing himself as a Republican. Mr. Seaton, along with Gabrielle LeDoux and Louise Stutes, are no more Republican than Bernie Sanders, who, while I completely disagree with his political philosophy, I can still respect his honesty with we the voters about what he represents. Bernie at least told the voters up front what they could expect from him. No surprises, a vote for Bernie was a vote for socialism, and he made that clear. Quite refreshing actually, notwithstanding the clear implications for the good old USA that socialism seems so popular these days, especially among our younger voters. It would seem our education system has, in fact, failed to educate.

I want to remind the voters of Mr. Seaton’s words after winning yet again another term in the house under the subterfuge of being a Republican: “comprehensive fiscal plan” — a concept, he said, that would include spending cuts, a restructuring of the Alaska Permanent Fund, and a broad-based tax. And of course we all are aware he and his “coalition” spent most of 2017 in special session, drawing $285 per day each per-diem trying to implement an income tax and championing the move of the governor to continue stealing our PFD. The only real effort spent in “cutting our over bloated budget” was to renege on the obligation to pay tax credits. That, coupled with the ever-moving oil-tax rate, really makes for a trustworthy environment from which to do business, not.

My wish for the new year would be that Paul, Gabrielle and Louise would shed their red covering, stand forth in all their blueness and let the votes fall where they may.

Duane Christensen

Food Pantry gets wide support

Homer’s small town businesses are to be applauded for the continual contributions and support made to our community. Also, kudos to the many restaurants who donate soups, breads and desserts every year for the Food Pantry’s Empty Bowls Fundraiser. Sincere appreciation goes out to the many, many residents who support the Food Pantry. Year in and year out, folks drop by with fresh vegetables, canned and boxed foods, and words of encouragement. All of which are gratefully received.

Organizations that stand out during this holiday time of year for their generosity to the Homer Community Food Pantry (HCFP):

Essential 1: For the fourth year in a row, Essential 1 has contributed .05 cents per gallon of gas sold between Nov. 15 and Dec. 15. We are most grateful for their generosity and willingness to give back to the community. Their contributions are gratefully received and will be put to good use.

Safeway: The Hunger Bags have been offered to and purchased by our community for the Pantry for the past four years. This year, 2017, has been a record year in the purchasing of these $10 bags. Bob Malone, Safeway Manager, indicated that in 2016, they collected 800 Hunger bags. This year, they set a goal to sell 1,200 and as of Dec. 10, Homer had already purchased 1,300 bags. Wow! Thank you, Homer. Interesting fact? Homer is the leader in purchasing/donating Hunger Bags than other larger communities in Alaska. What a community we have.

On any given Monday, you can usually find/see 20 volunteers who consistently come to help. They are the core of faithful volunteers who know the ropes and their area of service. Without their help, it would be impossible to function efficiently – or at all. If you come in or drop by very often, you would probably recognize them. Hats off to these wonderful volunteers who so generously give of their energy and time each week.

Volunteers are always needed and welcomed. Anyone willing to help complete the many, many tasks it takes to keep the Food Pantry rolling, please drop by on a Monday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. and see where you can fit in. You might have the exact talent that is needed.

Questions about the Food Pantry? Interested in Volunteering? Want to find out if there are any qualifications to come to the Food Pantry? Want to donate food or contribute financially? Want to verify what items can and cannot be accepted by the Pantry? Please contact the Pantry’s new HCFP Coordinator, Crystal Hall, at 235-1968.

Again, without the generosity of this amazing community, the Pantry and the Volunteers would not be able to assist those who need these services. Over the years, Homer has consistently supported their neighbors and have made a big difference in so many lives. Thank you.

Diana Jeska and Donna Wells, volunteers

Homer Community Food Pantry

Methodist Church gifts appreciated

I wanted to send a note of thanks to the Homer United Methodist Church. I received a call mid-November from Mary Sanders, asking if the church could “adopt” our schools for Christmas this year. And earlier this week, a dozen or so beautifully decorated bags and boxes arrived for our students. Your thoughtfulness and spirit of giving brought smiles of joy from the students and staff. Thank you so much for your generosity to our students and our community.

Happy Holidays.

Laura Peek, School Nurse

West Homer Elementary, Fireweed Academy


Donald Trump, with an axe

Gave taxes more than forty whacks

From the Right, all fifty-one

On the Left, There were but none

We now have, a new Tax Bill

From guys and gals, on the Hill

Thank you Sen’s, all fifty-one

For your efforts, job well done

Despite the Crats, backward spin

The final vote, a big Trump win

For that motto, on his pin

Make America Great Again

More than half, were also willing

To allow Alaska, a bit more drilling

Before we spend, our last dime

And have to open, Pebble Mine

From that area, called ANWR

Just beneath, the Northern Star

A pool of oil, under ground

Should be headed, Southern bound

To put more oil, in that pipe

Ecos mad, we’ll have to fight

Tooth and nail, until we win

And Make America, Great Again

Charles D. Graham