Vance, Ketter file for Homer City Council

With the deadline to file for two Homer City Council candidates ending at noon Tuesday, Aug. 15, two candidates have filed so far to run to fill seats now held by council members David Lewis and Catriona Reynolds. Sarah Vance filed on Aug. 1 and Kimberly Ketter filed on Aug. 7. Both have participated in city election campaigns. Vance was the spokesperson for Heartbeat of Homer, the group that attempted and failed to recall council members Donna Aderhold, Lewis and Reynolds. Ketter ran for city council in 2016, losing to council members Shelly Erickson and Tom Stroozas. Lewis and Reynolds both said earlier they do not intend to run for re-election.

Voters can vote on Oct. 3 for up to two candidates for two, 3-year seats. The top two candidates winning more than 40 percent of votes are elected if less than five candidates run or 35 percent if more than five run.

In her campaign statement filed with the city, Vance writes:

“I am a homeschooling mother of four children, who grew up here, enjoying all of the amazing benefits of our quaint little town! My husband and I understand the challenges of working and raising a family in Homer and desire to see it flourish.

“As a Constitutionalist; I believe in the values of our founding fathers and our Constitutional Republic; that government can and should be legally limited in its powers, and that its authority or legitimacy depends on its observing these limitations. Our city should be governed more by civic responsibility of hard working citizens, and less by political ideologies of career politicians. The city government should provide basic services and encourage economic growth within the community. Council members are to ensure the financial stability of our future by making informed and equitable decisions without limiting the freedoms of its residents.

“Your contribution as a resident of Homer is important. Your voice as a voter is valued. YOU are the reason I have attended almost every council meeting since February, read every packet, and am becoming educated on issues important to our municipality. When you VOTE VANCE, you vote for accountability, responsibility, and truth!”

Vance can be reached at In her campaign statement, Ketter writes:

“I am running for Homer City Councilwoman because I feel the Council must adequately represent the citizens of Homer first. My focus is the people of Homer, their needs, and the needs of their families. The town’s economy is based on small businesses. We need to encourage more small businesses to offer year round stable employment for the citizens of Homer. I would like to see the City of Homer come together stronger as a community. The issues that are devastating much of the community need a wholistic and comprehensive approach. This takes everyone listening to one another, respecting each others differences in opinions, and still coming together on common ground to solve issues and address issues in our Great City of Homer. A community is only as strong as its weakest link.”

Ketter can be reached at, 907-299-9545.

Homer citizens intending to run for Homer City Council in the Oct. 3 Regular Election must officially declare their candidacy with the Homer City Clerk’s office. To qualify, candidates must be a United States citizen, at least 18 years of age, a registered voter of the City of Homer, and have been a resident with fixed habitation of the City of Homer for at least one year prior to Oct. 3, 2017. According to Homer City Code defining residency for voter registration purposes, “The residence of a person is that place in which habitation is fixed, and to which, whenever he (or she) is absent, he (or she) has intention to return. If a person resides in one place but does business in another, the former is the person’s place of residence. Temporary camps do not constitute a dwelling place.”

Candidacy filing forms are available online or at the City Clerk’s office 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday. For complete information on how to file for candidacy, visit Information on the council candidates is at

Michael Armstrong can be reached at
