Someone once noted “a man is like a novel: until the very last page, you don’t know how it will end. Otherwise it wouldn’t be worth reading.”
Speaking of which, President Obama will go a long way in redeeming his performance as resident if he picks former Harvard law professor Sen. Elizabeth Warren as his nominee for the Supreme Court. She’s from the hard scrabble side of the tracks.
Over the past nearly 30 years, one of the dark ogres in our American has been Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. He’s been one of the principle forces at work at turning our nation evermore into a banana republic. He took the magisterial out of our High Court. What a dark and leering presence he cut.
I do feel for Justice Clarence Thomas; he’ll have to finally start thinking for himself, for, alas, Justice Antonin Scalia has passed.
I woke up to the news Sunday morning and have no shame in saying I wanted to start skipping down the street calling out ding-dong the org is gone, but I settled for sharing my enthusiasm over at K-Bay Coffee instead.
I found a few folks there nearly as enthused as me.
Generally I try to be respectful of the dead, but Justice Scalia held our democracy in contempt, ultimately being more undermining to it than the KGB, in the midst of the Cold War, ever came close to being. Thus, as a patriot, I’ve nothing but scorn for him. He led the charge on the court to disenfranchise Americans of their vote. At heart he did not believe in the one man one vote system of ours. He was a principal in conjuring up the ghost of Joseph Goebbels (the German propagandist in the 1930s and 40s) by unleashing the rich and powerful on us to spend unlimited amounts of money on propaganda to brainwave adjust us, as if it were their inalienable right to have themselves such a hobby: playing with our minds. And remember, when it came to deciding on damages brought by the Exxon Valdez disaster, where his sense of compassion and justice laid?
Absolutely I hold Justice Scalia in pure contempt as a judge. There wasn’t an ounce of judicial temperament in him. He acted more like a political hack than a judge.
Ah but that was yesterday, on to the living and the future.
Someone once noted “a man is like a novel: until the very last page, you don’t know how it will end. Otherwise it wouldn’t be worth reading.”
Speaking of which, President Obama will go along ways in redeeming his performance as president if he were to pick former Harvard law professor Sen. Elizabeth Warren as his nominee for the Supreme Court. She’s from the hard scrabble side of the tracks.
If the President does pick her he’ll finally have emerged as a strategic political thinker.
Of course, the attempted dictatorship of our country by the Republican Party by congressional fiat, via their exercise of the monolithic no, will, again, be monolithically exercised: NO WAY will monolithic Republicans ever allow President Obama to appoint another person, much less Elizabeth Warren, to the Supreme Court. In fact, Mitch McConnell says the Senate won’t even entertain holding hearings.
Isn’t advise and consent the Senate’s role? Doesn’t that make for a constitutional problem?
But degrading our democracy has been what the dictatorship of the Republican Party via congressional fiat has been all about since 2010. We certainly aren’t going to get them to impeach themselves. That’s the problem when Congress goes rogue.
Yup, we’ve got ourselves in American history, today, our very first renegade Congress. And like any old wanabe, usurper dictator they don’t play by the rules.
The good news is the Banana Republicans haven’t totally taken over yet. Our Democratic Republic still has a fighting chance.
In fact, not to worry, let the nomination of Elizabeth Warren to the Supreme Court spill over as a central issue in the general election. The prospects of having Elizabeth on the court will galvanize more than just the Democrats; it will galvanize the people.
The woman has captured the moral imagination of our country, hearts and minds across all sectors, like no one else has since Robert F Kennedy.
What a wedge against the Banana Republican Party she’ll make. What a great place Elizabeth will make to pick back up on our American story as a story of feeling our way through time and space as mortal-morsels, figuring it out, together as a deliberative democracy as we go.
We don’t need a party that can’t compromise lording over us that pretend to have all the answers.
With prospects of having Elizabeth Warren on the court, Democrats will, for sure, recapture the presidency and regain the Senate.
Mr. President, you can still do this, yes, you — still — can. Nominate Senator Elizabeth Warren to the Supreme Court. Alas, as a natural born anthropologist, I’m all into our fashioning ourselves a great and noble story. Make that another “prayer in wind.”
Tim O’Leary is a longtime Homer resident and political observer.