Douglas Stark

Douglas (Doug) Stark passed away peacefully September 5, 2023, in San Jose, CA.

Douglas (Doug) Stark passed away peacefully September 5, 2023, in San Jose, CA, where he lived for the last year of his life with his bride of 63 years, Sandra (Sandy) Stark.

He was born in 1940 in Southern California, and attended Stanford University and USC, receiving a bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate in Engineering. He worked as a City Manager in California, and got a pilot’s license, starting a four-decade love of flying. After he and Sandy married, they flew a floatplane to Alaska for their honeymoon, a trip which compelled them to then move to Anchorage, AK.

Doug and Sandy had three children in Alaska, Jacqueline, Paul, and David, and as Doug continued to work in city, borough, and state government, the family would travel to various cabins that they built. In the 1990s, Doug and Sandy moved full-time to a house they built in Homer, AK, where they were active in the community, including restarting in Homer the local Civil Air Patrol chapter, something that today is thriving and welcoming new members in part due to Doug and Sandy’s efforts.

They were also active members of the Homer United Methodist Church, serving the church in a variety of ways and are loved by their family, friends, and members of the organizations they were part of.