Gert Seekins

Gert Seekins passed away in her home on June 9th.

Gert is now “absent from the body, and present with the Lord”. Jesus called her home June 9th just 4 days after her 88th birthday. Gert was born in St. Paul Minnesota on June 5th, 1935. The family soon moved to Amery, Wisconsin where Gert graduated from high school in 1953. Gert was very active as a young girl.. fishing, Girl Scouts, pony riding, playing in high school band and was the head cheerleader for the sports team.

Gert married her high school sweetheart Floyd Seekins May 26,

1953. They celebrated their 70th anniversary three weeks ago. Four children were born into Gert’s happy family. Jeffry, Kim, Dale & Jane (Chett).

Gert & Floyd purchased a small dairy farm near their hometown of Amery, WI. Gert spent much of her time as a mother and a wife, but also helping as a tractor driver and also a cow-chaser. She also helped mend fence, milking cows, gardening, and cooking home meals, etc.

A big change for Gert came about in 1957 when her husband shared his call to be a preacher. That meant that she would be a preacher’s wife. So.. ok, sell the cows, and off to the big city for four years of Bible College. As she always did.. she took it all in stride making our little house into a home. Taking in kids for day care, rent out a room, buy the groceries and pay the bills.. But she could do far more than that.

She was invited to a “Tupperware party’. Her thought was, “I could do that”. And do it, she did! She was so successful as a sales person.. and as she always did.. went to the top in sales for the company in Minnesota. She was demonstrating and selling with at least 4 or 5 parties a week. The company sponsored a

“demonstration contest. ” among all demonstrators in

Minnesota. Yes, of course, she came through as the top demonstrator in the state. “She excellest them all” Proverbs 31:29.

Then it was as pastor’s wife where she won the hearts of all, and was so loved in the whole community. She was so willing and excited to head off to Alaska in 1969. We parked in Homer, and never left. For most of her days here she was so active and so engaged in the community, cannery worker, Big Dipper Milk Tupperware, Away, bus driver, home builder and welcomer of strangers and friends into her home.

Which she always did.

She was always so exited about her fishing and so successful. And

with her “O 6” she provided much moose meat for her family. There were also a few hunts of bear, caribou, goat, and sheep. She loved her 4-wheeler and snow machine.

Gert was interested in artistic things, and began painting. Some of her works are equal of some famous artists.

She was a popular fan of many high school sports. A board member of our senior center. As well as Homer’s famous greeter.

“Hi, my name is Gert, welcome to Homer” And many of those so welcomed, became her friend.

She was so successful in her tour business. Welcoming strangers to Homer and sharing her joyous and enthusiastic stories of history and life in the “Last Frontier”.

Then her spare bedroom became the first B&B in Homer. And soon her breakfast table was a happy place for strangers to meet and Gert treated them all as long lost friends.

When Gert heard of God’s gift of Grace and Jesus’ gift of Salvation, she put her whole heart into allowing Jesus to be the LORD of her life.

This accounts for the beauty and graciousness we all saw in her daily life among us. No matter in whatever she was engaged in, her desire was, as stated in the Bible, Ephesians 1:12, That we should be to the praise of His Glory”.

Another Bible truth that she fulfilled, Proverbs 31:10 “Who can find a virtuous woman?” Her husband did, it’s Gert.

Here’s what she did, verse 26, “She opens her mouth with wisdom, & kindness”, v28 “her children raise up and call her blessed, her husband praises her”. & v 29 “you excellest them all’ & v 30, “A woman who fears the Lord, she shall be Praised.”

She is survived by her husband, Floyd.4 children, Jeffrey, Kim, Dale & Janev(Chett). 14 Grandchildren, Brook, Jess, Joel &

Justin, Patrick, Chad & Afton. Glen, Fawnda, Tonya, Mina, Amanda, Sheena, & Shanda. Many great-grandchildren and 2 great-great-grand children. That’s down to the fifth generation. Her family now totals 71.

Abe Lincoln “In the end, it is not the years of life that count, it’s the life in your years”. Gert was so full of life.

And now is enjoying her life in the wonderful presence of Jesus, her Lord and Savior.

We will be celebrating and remembering her life here of 88 years. As well as thanking God for His gift of eternal life At a service, June 25 2023, Christian Community Church, 3;00 PM.

Homer, Alaska.

Her family welcomes you, to her memorial service.