The Kenai Peninsula Agricultural Expo is moving to Soldotna starting next year through at least 2022
A young sea otter pup rescued from the beach in Homer is now being treated by the Alaska SeaLife Center…
Alaskans won’t know the full, official results of Tuesday’s election until later this month,
Director Gary Turner will exit at the end of the 2021 academic year
Last year’s local winner of the Caring for the Kenai competition took home third place this year for his continued…
4-H’ers come up with creative way to host Annual Junior Market Livestock Auction
Local customers bring a variety of opinions to new face-mask policies at retailers.
City of Seward pledges $500,000, memberships soar
Residents may now obtain permits for burn barrels as well as for small and large-scale brush fires.
Cotton candy, carnival rides and racing pigs will have to wait for another summer, according to the board of directors…
Peninsula communities take different approaches to COVID-19 testing.
Early-run king salmon emergency orders on Kenai, Kasilof Rivers to last through June 30
The U.S. Forest Service will not be allowing any recreational permits for the remainder of 2020.