Arts Briefs

Jubilee performance canceled

Due to an unforeseen circumstance, the Homer Council on the Arts has canceled “Jubilee: A Brand New Day,” a planned student-led storytelling-focused performance.

The visual arts component of Jubilee, an annual celebration of youth art, will continue.

HCOA will direct its energy toward visual artwork.

“This is a disappointment to many students and families, as well as HCOA board and staff that look forward to this annual event,” HCOA Director Peggy Paver wrote in a press release. “… Jubilee has a long history of featuring excellent young artists whose work explores different media and comments on a wide range of subjects. We continue to feel honored to display these works, and look forward to seeing the new batch of submissions for this year’s exhibit.”

Each student who participates in the Jubilee gallery exhibit will be eligible for the HCOA Fine Arts Scholarship; applications are available now at the HCOA website at

The Jubilee art show opens First Friday in March at HCOA. For more information, contact Paver at 235-4288 or

Aragones reads from new book

Author Jeannette Aragones will read from her new book, “Cosmo and Me,” at 2:30 p.m. on Feb. 10 at Long Term Care, South Peninsula Hospital. All are welcome.

Aragones recently published “Cosmo and Me,” another book about living with ferrets that follows her previous story, “I Am Oscar. I Am in Charge,” published in 2017.

Aragones is a dancer and instructor and created the Latin Dance Therapy class for all ages. She works as a Certified Nursing Assistant at South Peninsula Hospital and volunteers to teach children to dance.

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