Years Ago

Homer happenings from years past

20 years ago

Homer should be able to feel the flow — of traffic — by this time next year. In response to a request from the Homer city council last October, the state Department of Transportation has compiled a proposal for a Homer intersections planning study. A contract for the study will be awarded this month and the study of pedestrian needs and controlled intersections will by completed by August 31. In addition to assessing needs on state-maintained roads throughout the Homer area, DOT has also agreed to work with the city to identify the need for crosswalks on city streets.

— From the issue of Feb. 5, 2004

30 years ago

Devoting as much time as she does to charitable community efforts, Margaret Guldseth may as well have been working a full-time job. Yet she never earned a dime as she volunteered her time to a host of causes last year. Her rewards were of a higher order than monetary recompense. On Saturday night, her friends and acquaintances recognized her as a jewel in their midst. At a gala dinner at Land’s End Resort, Guldseth was named Citizen of the Year by the Homer Chamber of Commerce to culminate a night of honors.

— From the issue of Feb. 3, 1994