The license for what would have been Homer’s first standard marijuana cultivation facility within city limits has now been denied at both the local and state level.
Alaska Loven It was most of the way through its application process to open in a space rented in a 5,000-square-foot building on Kachemak Drive when members of Alaska’s Marijuana Control Board were alerted to odors coming from the part of the building rented by Alaska Loven It. With the help of the Homer Police Department, the board discovered the business housed 24 marijuana plants in excess of personal use plants, an action the board deemed was in violation of regulations.
The license for Alaska Loven It was denied unanimously by the board at its meeting Jan. 24-26 in Juneau, said Board Director Erika McConnell in an email Tuesday. Co-owners Dan Coglianese of Homer and Janiese Stevens of Kodiak can reapply at any time, she wrote. It had already been objected to by the Homer City Council at its last meeting on Jan. 22.
“It is not permissible to have 24 plants in a facility that is not licensed,” McConnell wrote in an email to the Homer News on Jan. 22. “Alaskans are permitted to have, in their residences, (six) plants per adult for their personal grow, with a limit of 12 plants per residence. Their proposed premises was not their residence and had twice the number of plants that would have been permitted at a residence of two adults.”
Police Chief Mark Robl said that of the 30 plants actually found in the building, six of them were able to be considered for personal use, as Coglianese had said that he was staying in the Kachamak Drive facility.
Coglianese said in a previous interview that he had been under the impression he would be able to have plants on site prior to his application being finalized as long as they were not flowering. None of his plants were flowering at the time, he said.
Coglianese said he was unable to talk when reached for comment Tuesday.
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