Court records show the following actions taken in Homer District Court through March 12:
Brian A. Petross, 39, charge dismissed, driving while license cancelled, suspended, revoked or limited.
Steven D. Whaley, 46, charge dismissed, driving while license cancelled, suspended, revoked or limited.
Joseph E. Kuzmin, 40, charges dismissed, second-degree terroristic threatening, first-degree burglary, fourth-degree assault. He pleaded guilty to another charge of fourth-degree assault. He was sentenced to time served in jail; ordered to pay $50 to support the Police Training Fund and a $50 jail surcharge; and ordered to give a DNA sample on request.
Criminal Court
Mark Scholl, 60, falsify commercial fishing license.
Edward M. Vaughn, 49, Anchor Point, driving under the influence.
Civil Court
Elenore E. McMullen v. Raymond Fomin, temporary restraining order granted
Leonard Kain v. Tara Kain, divorce.
Atlantic Credit and Finance v. Richard Roe, debt.
City of Seldovia v. Denise Davis, Gregory Davis, Valerie Henning, Zane Henning and Precious Earth Inc., petition for injunctive relief
Cook Inlet Housing Authority v. Brian Jose, eviction.