Years Ago

Homer happenings from years past

20 years ago

Harry Rasmussen, president of the Homer Hockey Association, told the Homer News Wednesday that the Rasmuson Foundation will give the group two grants totaling $500,000 for the construction of a new multi-use ice skating facility in Homer. Founded in 1955, the Rasmuson Foundation is a private charitable organization that has given over $27 million to well-managed organizations in Alaskan communities for similar projects. Rasmussen said the grants have made an indoor ice rink in Homer a reality. The two grants include a one-time $450,000 grant and a one-to-one $50,000 matching grant.

— From the issue of Dec. 4, 2003

30 years ago

The Homer Chamber of Commerce has started to lobby federal and state officials in an effort to make sure that the proposed $20 million U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service visitor’s center is built in Homer. Chamber vice president Bill “Waz” Wasowicz said the chamber’s 12-member board of directors last week voted unanimously “in wholehearted support” of the center and headquarters for the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. He said the chamber had started a letter-writing and phone-calling campaign to federal and state officials to try to offset some of the criticism of the center that has surfaced in recent weeks.

— From the issue of Dec. 2, 1993